Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life's New Chapter

So it's been a while since I have posted anything on this blog. To catch up, we bought a house, got a dog, started new jobs, had a baby, had to give away the dog, now have a toddler ... and that pretty much brings us up to the current day. Now that we are parents we are definitely concentrated on the best for our little daughter. Another focus of concentration has become our walk with the Lord. These two forces combined will cause you to exercise acts of faith and self-sacrifice as never before, which is what brings me to life's new chapter: stay at home mom.
Working for an up and coming local business can be a very fulfilling and financially faithful way of life, but I found that regardless of the perks it wasn't fulfilling me or making my family more balanced. My little girl spent the first year of her life with babysitters through the majority of each work week. My husband felt further from me than at any other point in our relationship. My house stayed in a constant state of dirty chaos. But most of all, something beyond all of that felt out of place. I know that being a working mom is possible and it can be very balanced and fulfilling, but I am not positive that it is for me.

Long story short, my husband and I spent the past year going back and forth on the idea of me staying home and it just wasn't right until now. God laid it on both our hearts at the same time. Our situation from a purely logical point of view does not make complete sense, but when God lays something on your heart it doesn't always have to make sense. It seems that each day along this new journey we find blessing after blessing.

I want to take this time to memorialize the way God is working in our life. I never want to forget the miracles small and large. And most of all, I want to share our daily lessons with others. So stay tuned for blogs on thrifty living, household tips, gardening .... basically anything domestic! I'm excited to get comments and advice so don't hold back!

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