Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 17: The Pitter Patter of Sticky Feet

Friday almost always fills me with an emotional combination of relief and exhaustion.  On one hand, I'm excited for the weekend, spending time as a family and working on our projects.  While on the other hand, I'm almost useless when it comes having fun.  Yesterday, I felt that sense of physical weariness, but my heart also felt weary and worn.  Despite my hard work all week, I still had bills to pay, piles dishes to wash, sticky floors to clean, projects to finish, and an active toddler to keep up with.
Finding a spot of quiet time to myself, I felt my heart needing a Word from the Lord about restoration.  I did a word search in the back of my Bible and read through all the verses that included the words restore and restoration.  Out all of them, this one really stood out to me: "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (Psalm 51:12 NIV)  

I read in a commentary that the context of David's request is a twofold desire for restoration of the heart and support through the Spirit.  Sometimes a weary heart just needs to have a restored joy in the Lord.  Being a parent can become emotionally exhausting and each parent has different challenges, depending on the factors of their home environment.  But, ultimately, we are divinely appointed to care for, discipline and nurture our children.  For that task, we need constant restoration when we are weary, willingness when we are frustrated, and support when the weight becomes too strong.  

With my heart restored, I decided to stop striving.  I needed that Word to put my strength to the most important task.  I put the bills aside, let the pile of dishes sit, joyfully walked on my sticky floors, put my projects to rest, and chased my active toddler around the house.

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